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Panettone peach and apricot


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Craft panettone fishing and apricot

Panettone worked for more than 75 hours. Mother yeast that is refreshed 4 times a day. Excellent ingredients for a light, very fragrant and excellent product. The Calciano di Tricarico pastry is one of the best in Basilicata and in Italy we think. Love, the treatment of transmitting their passion in the panettoni feels and is for us really a pleasure to have this leavened among our products.

N.B. This is a reservation. Orders will start the first week of December



Basilicata, Tricarico


Panettone peach and apricot


Stone-mounted soft wheat flour, Normandy vaccine butter, sugar, fresh egg yolk, peaches, albicots Round variety of coastiglianigliole, natural yeast, acacia honey, salt, malt, Madagascar vanilla pods. No icing.



How to taste it

Keep it near a heat source for 20 minutes