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Biological IGP Altamura Lentils


Lentils of IGP Altamura

One of the most consumed and known legumes, the Lentil of Altamura IGP It is produced in Alta Murgia between Puglia and Basilicata. It is recognizable by white-glaucous flowers when it is still a small plant. We chose a organic product From our friend Dony. The lentils present they can be small excellent salads, in fact they always remain "al dente" and a little hard after cooking or there are great ones that sfalts himself and go for good For soups and soups.  We of Sudrise we take it from Small farmers which are part of the Altamura IGP consortium. In 100g of lentils of Altamura IGP are present 25% protein, 6% iron, 8% fibers, 2% fat.



Puglia, Altamura


Lentil of Altamura IGP

Where it is produced

It is a legume that can be produced between Puglia and Basilicata



How to cook it

In soups, soups or salads