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Laganedd of Stigliano


Laganedd di Stigliano

There is undoubtedly a strong connection to the land behind this typical sweet from Stigliano.
The Laganedde is the sweet of the "spigolatrice", that is, the women who, after the harvest, entered the fields to collect the leftover fruits such as almonds, wheat, and grapes.

The name Laganedd comes from the rolling pin "laganatore" that flattens the dough called lagana, turning it into a sheet. The product has a centuries-old tradition and is usually accompanied by a walnut liqueur. It is typically consumed at Christmas, but thanks to Forno Iannicella, it is possible to receive it all year round. The recipe includes the use of almonds, walnuts, sultana raisins, dark chocolate, cocoa, cinnamon, cloves, and honey.



Basilicata, Stigliano




De.Co. Product




Soft wheat flour 0, almonds, walnuts, sultana raisins, dark chocolate, cocoa, cinnamon, cloves, and honey