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Honey biological sylvestris


Honey Sylvestris Serra del Prete

Honey produced thanks to the bees of Pietro Civale who puts his arnias in the Pollino National Park.
Honey sylvestris is a millefiori with Prevalence of Erica flowers, peer and wild cherry.
The Erica is a plant with a very fast flowering and grows throughout the Mediterranean scrub as the peer and wild cherry.
It is a honey from color amber, dark, red. It has a fragrance floral, not sweet at all. This honey can define it a real wild honey with no more flower.
The Serra del Prete company is a winner of the 3 Biomiel drops.



Basilicata, Viggianello


Organic wild honey


Millefiori honey with heather flowers, peer and wild cherry



How to present

Dark, red with slow crystalization. Taste not sweet at all with liquorice references