The magic bean
The beans are, together with the lentils, the most popular and consumed legumes in the world, thanks to their formidable nutritional baggage and simplicity of preparation.
Originally from Central America in Italy they are used in the traditional cuisine of all regions.
Composed mainly from carbohydrates, beans are also a fantastic source of vegetable protein, so much to get the appellative of "meat of the poor".
Umberto Eco even claimed that in Europe the cultivation of beans during the Middle Ages had had a decisive incidence on demographic increase claiming that: "Without beans the European population would not have doubled in a few centuries, and today we would not be hundreds of millions ... ".
Benefits for health and nutritional properties of beans
Like all legumes the beans are the foods deriving from the vegetable world rich in fibers and proteins.
Their reduced fat content makes them particularly suitable for those who have problems we are weight, especially if this quality is considered the wealth of fibers contained in the peel. The fibers, in fact, have a decisive role in the regularity of intestinal functions and are very valuable for metabolism because they can easily reach the feeling of satiety.
A study of 2010, published on the European Journal of Nutrition, would have highlighted that, in overweight / obese subjects, consumption of legumes 4 times a week for 2 months would lead to the reduction of the pro-inflammatory state and greater weight loss than one Diet that excludes these foods.
Alto is also the content of vitamins of group A, B, C and and and mineral salts and oligominerals such as potassium, iron, calcium zinc and phosphorus. Furthermore, beans are rich in lecithin, a substance that favors the dissolution of fat avoiding that they accumulate in the blood and thus reducing the level of cholesterol.
Studies carried out between 2009 and 2013 linked the consumption of legumes (including beans) to the lower risk of developing colon cancer and this thanks to the action of fibers, resistant starch and prebiotics) which, reaching the colon They are fermented by beneficial bacteria, causes the formation of different compounds that act by reducing the risk of cancer in this area. To benefit from all the properties of the beans, the ideal portion is 150 g if fresh or frozen, 30-50 g if dried, 50 g for flour.
To be consumed at least 3-4 times a week. Avoid beans in tin as rich in sodium (added to the conservation liquid) and nickel due to the erosion of the metal container that would then be absorbed by our body.
Maybe not everyone knows that ....
Cook the beans before consuming them. In fact, there are some sensitive heat molecules that could cause problems: it goes from the difficulty of digestion due to some substances that deactivate gastric enzymes to substances such as cyanide.
Beans then contain many important minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium, but also contain substances that prevent their assimilation: ifeed. These substances bind to some proteins and to these minerals, limiting digestibility and assimilation, actually canceling its positive effect. The best way to eliminate this effect is the classicsoakingThat you need to do for at least 12 hours before cooking.
The last arrangement concerns iron. The amount of iron contained for example in borlotti beans is even double compared to horse meat, which makes legumes a precious ally against anemias. The problem, however, is that the assimilation of this iron is decidedly lower than that of any kind of meat, which in fact passes into our intestine without being absorbed, both for intrinsic causes of the type of iron contained in the legumes (technicallynon-ememe iron, that is, not similar to that linked to hemoglobin as it is found in the flesh) both for the presence of the phytons that we said before.
The remedy is the addition of theC vitaminDuring the meal. An orange juice, seasoning the legumes with the lemon, associate peppers or tomatoes or finish the meal with an citrus make the iron content of legumes becomes available and similar in quantities similar to that of meat.
How to avoid abdominal swelling of beans
Perhaps the only side effect of beans is to often cause annoying abdominal swelling; This happens because this type of legume contains sugars that not all manage to metabolize and that in the intestine they combine with the bacterial flora causing fermentation and gas production. To avoid this problem, you need to follow a well-precise procedure ie: put the beans in a cold water for a few hours, rinse them and then cook them in a pot with new water. This procedure eliminates most of the sugars, thanks to the ammollo and the next rinsing. The 'swelling risk' can also be attenuated using herbs or spices during cooking: especially the laurel, ground ginger and sanctuary, which can also be used together. Finally, even a good and slow chew fights the onset of hassles.
Dr. Anna Cosentino
Nutritionist biologist
Sudrise for a healthy eating recommends you Basilicata's Basilicata's Basilicata Organic Beans, or Always Lucanian Round White Round Dop.
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