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Salted anchovies in Crete


Anchovies from Cetara in Clay Pots

The most well-known place for its anchovies is Cetara, an ancient village on the Amalfi Coast.
They are the result of a long process that begins with fishing and ends with transformation through skilled and knowledgeable hands, representing an excellence of the Italian fishing industry.
This product, absolutely free from preservatives and chemical additives, manages to bring to the table the natural and genuine taste of the sea because it is processed, according to tradition, entirely by hand and in a craftsmanship manner until it is canned in clay pots just as it was done in the past.
An undisputed source of Omega 3 and vitamins B and E, it is a sure alternative to fresh blue fish.



Campania, Cetara


Salted anchovies from Cetara


2200g net weight, 1850g drained weight


Large size anchovies

Gastronomic Pairing

Throughout Mediterranean cuisine


Anchovies (engraulis encrasicolus), Salt, Brine