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Sibari Arborio Rice


Sibari Arborio Rice Magisa and Masseria Fornara

Arborio rice is one of the most well-known rice varieties from Calabria, characterized by a large grain. It is usually used for risottos due to its even cooking both on the surface and inside. Arborio is typically used for risottos as it is able to best retain the sauce or cooking broth. It holds up well during the finishing process, but be careful with its cooking as it can easily overcook.
The quality of Sibari rice is attributed to the microclimate present in the plain, where on one side there is the sea providing salinity, and on the other side, the Apennines protect the fields.



Calabria, Sibari


Sibari Arborio Rice

How to use it

For risottos




Grown, harvested, and processed by the same company