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Rafano Lucano Fresco

At Carnival Il Rasano Lucano on everything is worth

The carnival approaches and the time of the raphanata In Basilicata.

Of the horseradish, also called horseradish or horseradishThe roots are used in the kitchen.

The Lucanes use it and appreciate it very much above all in the period in which it is harvested fresh, ie in autumn and winter, in different culinary preparations: from the typical Rafanata (omelette with sausage and grated horseradish) to use as a condiment instead of cheese or together with This on a nice plate of pasta with ragù (indicated the erks). In both cases the horseradish is used grated, even coarsely.

Some chefs also use it on the roasted or baked fish.

There is also a sauce (cren sauce) to use when now the natural time passes to have it fresh.


On Beneficial properties Of this root different and authoritative sources decant their qualities.

Poor calorie is very rich in vitamin C (note to help immune system, collagen formation, reduction of fatigue, iron absorption). It contains more than orange and more than kiwi.

And also:

  • Potassium source (nervous system, muscle function, blood pressure)
  • Fiber source (intestinal transit adjustment, satiety)

And finally contains:

  • football
  • magnesium
  • antioxidants
  • Glucosinolati (compounds with anticancer properties)

(Source: Louis Bonduelle Foundation)


Last Chicca: it would seem that, as evidenced by the Greek philosopher Demostene (fourth century before Christ), is also an energetic aphrodisiac.

Buy fresh bruised horseradish

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