The Pollino at "Matera is Fair" with the Food Community
The event "Matera è Fiera" concluded yesterday, featuring Sudrise in Matera alongside the producers of the Comunanza del Cibo Pollino.
For three days, from 5:00 PM to Midnight, the beautiful Piazza San Francesco in Matera showcased Pollino and its Comunanza del Cibo, with the producers representing it.
The stand of the CCP (Comunanza del Cibo Pollino), also supported by GAL La Cittadella del Sapere, showcased its companies, doing so by "putting a face" to the producers and the creator of the CCP, food philosopher Federico Valicenti.
The three-day event featured official presentations of the stands and the fair organizers, show cooking with chefs from Cuochi Lucani who prepared dishes using products from Pollino, as well as visitors from Matera and foreign tourists who tasted and purchased Lucanian products.
Representing the producers of the CCP were Morena Rinaldi, artisan of fresh and dry pasta made with flours from Pollino grains, and Maria Stellato, producer of exquisite and unique raw milk cheeses, all aged in a natural cave.

The others were present with their products: from the cured meats of “I Sapori di Castelluccio”, to the DOP Red Eggplant of Rotonda from theAzienda agricola/agrituristica Calivino, from the cookies and baked goods of “L’Antica Noja di Ruggiero Antonia” of Noepoli to the peppers and processed products from the companies Attilio De Matteis and “Cara Terra Lucana di Catia Mele“.

A wonderful experience that will soon have the opportunity to find more communication spaces in Gravina in September and in Turin for the Terra Madre event.
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