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Pane senza impasto

Bread without dough

The bread without dough It is ideal for those who want to approach bakery and is a beginner.

It is a simple bread that does not impose in planetary or by hand but in a bowl with a fork, it covers, the leavening is expected and after two turns of folds it is cooked in a pot.

The inventor of this technique is the Known Baker New Yorker Jim LaheyThe recipe of him is so famous that, in recent times, crazy about the web.

If you are skeptical and don't believe you get a good bread I can only tell you to try it, I'm sure you'll rich you.

Use good flour and you will get a delicious, soft and beveled bread inside with a fabulous crunchy crust. You can vary the flours at your leisure and insert seeds, raisins or dried fruit.



400 g of grandmother's flour

100 g of rye flour

350/380 g of water *

2 g of fresh yeast

10 g of salt

10 g of extra virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon of malt (you can replace it with honey)


Q.B. Grilled semolina (for processing)



In a large bowl mix the flours with salt. Melt the yeast and the malt in the water, pour it on the flour and stir slowly with a fork, the dough should not be worked for a long time enough 40/50 seconds, just time to make water absorb to flour.


Cover the bowl with food film and resting for 12/18 hours at room temperature.

The leavening time depends on the temperature you have in the room, the more high less time will have to rise.

In my case, having a temperature of 25 ° they served about 11 hours for doubling **.


Sprinkle the worktop with plenty of semolina and overturn the dough, moisten your hands and widen it slightly forming a rectangle.

Virtually divide the dough into three parts, take the right side and bring it to the center, then take the left side, bring it to the center and overlap it. Turn the 90 ° mixture and repeat the operation.


Round the dough and place it in a bowl lined with a sprinkled cloth with plenty of semolina. Sprinkle the surface with another semolina and close the canvas on itself.

Let it rise for about or up to the volume doubling for 2 hours.


Turn on the 230 ° oven (half an hour before the end of the second leavening), put the empty pot on the grid and bring the oven to temperature.

When the bread is ready, extract the pan from the oven and place the dough inside making it slide gently from the canvas (be careful because the pot is hot). If you are familiar with you can practice cuts with a blade on the bread surface, I've made two on the right, otherwise leave it so. Close with the lid and put in the oven


Cook the bread for 30 minutes, remove the cover and continue cooking for another 15 minutes.

Remove the pan from the oven, remove the bread and put it in the oven for another 5 minutes with the door slightly open.


The bread without dough It is ready, remove it from the oven and let it cool completely on a grid, before cutting it.


* The quantitywater Whether it is necessary to prepare the dough depends on the flour you use, the most refined flours absorb less water, the raw flours absorb more. In my case I had to add 50g of water to get a soft dough, they are usually sufficient

350 g.

**The dough is ready When it doubled volume and has an irregular surface, full of bubbles that tend to give up.


A hug
Simona Valli

Click hereTo discover the flours for sale online from Sudrise

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