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Shells 100% Italian Wheat


Pasta 100% Italian Wheat

The difference, as is known, lies in the origin of the wheat. We are pleased to have found a company that processes only its own wheat, which is grown in the northern area of Basilicata between Forenza and Venosa. The semolina obtained from the Local Mills is then processed by the pasta factories in Stigliano and Oppido with bronze drawing and slow drying.

This pasta is the classic pasta for soup, broth, or stew.



Basilicata, Forenza and Stigliano


Italian durum wheat conchigliette

Wheat origin

From the Iungano company in Basilicata


500g - bronze drawn

How to use it

For soups, broths, and stews


Durum wheat semolina, water. Contains gluten

Pasta factories used

Stigliano and Oppido Lucano