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OLIO EVO: le qualità nascoste

EVO OIL: the hidden qualities

Among the typical foods of the Mediterranean diet and Italian tables in general, extra virgin olive oil (abbreviated as EVO) is one of the most representative. After all, if you live in a country like Italy, which alone represents 42% of the world’s olive biodiversity, it couldn’t be otherwise. In Basilicata, for example, almost all Lucanian recipes include EVO oil. All of us, just by consuming it daily, consider ourselves EVO oil experts: but is that really the case? Let’s find out right away.

What to choose between filtered and unfiltered oil?

If “common” EVO oil is by definition filtered, in recent years the use of unfiltered oil has been gaining ground, recognizable by a much more intense and cloudy color, in which you can even still find small olive particles. In a world that aims for organic and “zero km” products, unfiltered oil is thought to be the best because it comes directly from the mills, but that’s not necessarily true. The truth is that the quality of an oil depends on the raw material, so we can absolutely affirm that there are filtered oils, like the extra virgin oil from Bradano (ON SALE TODAY), of significantly higher quality than unfiltered ones, dominating Lucanian cuisine.

When is an oil defined as virgin or extra virgin?

The acidity level of an oil determines whether it is labeled as virgin or extra virgin: the former must not exceed a total acidity of 2%, the latter must not go beyond 0.8%. However, EVO oil is preferred because it is the only one, by law, that must be tasted before being classified, thus having a higher quality guarantee. Moreover, thanks to its slightly bitter and spicy taste, EVO oil is perfect for all typical Lucanian dishes (and beyond).

What does low acidity oil mean?

Speaking of acidity, what many do not know is that the lower the acidity of an oil, the better its quality. For example, some products are labeled “low acidity”: for this label to be correct, the acidity level of EVO oil must be below 0.3%.

Is first-press EVO oil better?

The title of this paragraph is deliberately misleading: first pressing (as well as the second) was done years ago when Lucanian food was seasoned with oil whose pressing was done by hand. Today, with all the mills now having mechanical pressing, “first pressing” has remained just an advertising claim without any foundation.

Where to find excellent EVO oil?

The offer in terms of EVO oil is wide here in Italy, but if you want to be sure to find a product anchored to Lucanian traditions, visit the Sudrise website, where you can find not only delicious EVO oil but also many Lucanian products that will make you want to visit that fantastic land that is Basilicata immediately.

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